Version: 1.0
Size: 1.9 Mb
Android Version: 2.2 and up
What's new in FE-13 HALOCARBON DESIGN 1.0
FE-13™ is the preferred Halon replacement (Halon 1301) in total flooding and inerting applications where its low toxicity provides for improved safety margins, the protected spaces are large, the cylinder storage area is remote from the protected space, or where the temperatures are likely to go below 0°C (32°F). Of the clean agents available, FE-13™ has the lowest toxicity and is the safest for protecting areas where people are present. FE-13™ provides the ultimate in human safety while protecting high-value assets and business continuity with a clean agent.Download Manual FE-13 HALOCARBON DESIGN Link
Due to its low toxicity, FE-13™ can be used in applications where the occupancy of the protected space is of critical concern at the time the space is being protected. This makes FE-13™ useful in total flood applications such as a control room where people occupy the protected space during discharge of the system.
FE-13™ can be used in applications with difficult Class-B fire hazards, such as hard-to-extinguish fuels like methanol, as well as spaces where the volume will vary with contents, like cargo holds. The physical properties of FE-13™ allow for its use in applications where large differences between the low and high hazard temperatures are expected. The low boiling point of FE-13™ allows for the storage of the containers to be located in remote areas, far from the protected space, as well as in environments other than room temperature.
1. About For Design FE-13 HALOCARBON
2. Calculation Room Volume For Design Room
3. Function Data Design Class concentration
4. Calculation FE-13 Calculate Design
5. Calculation concentration FE-13 Class Design
6. Calculation design Pipe For FE-13
7. Calculation Number Nozzle FE-13 For design Pipe
8. Table design Pipe FE-13
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